A Story of Birdman or Lintumiehen Tarina in Finnish was first just a story about weird looking, tall and skeleton like Birdman. First time i told this story, I was with my friends and I started drawing a strange creature that had birdlike features. I told my friends that what i have drawn was Lintumies, an anxious loner who only goes to the 24h Apela during the night because people are staring. And that pisses Lintumies off.
First I wrote a 5-minute long story aboout a trip to Apela, and had the honor of reading it in multiple events. That included spoken word events in Helsinki area and one performance in Visio Festival in 2019. After that the idea started growing in my head (I might not have to mention this anymore but... this was my personal project) and I started seeing this story as a stop motion animation.

Link to the movie:
Everything needed to be blue, because when I thought of this story, it felt a bit melancholic. And I knew Lintumies only eats red things, like pomegranates and red sodas.
The whole creating process was highly intuitive and it just felt like these things came to me more than they were planned or consciously thought of.

Long story short, I decided to execute this completely crazy plan, and during 2021 I got a grant from Taiteenedistämis Keskus (TaiKe) covering 3 months of work. For a 10-minute stop motion animation, alone. Like I said, it was a little ambitious. And after probably hundreds, maybe even something over thousand hours of character design, puppet design, building, counting, writing, shooting, producing, editing and crying later I had done that.
Then a new event organizing start-up contacted me to collaborate with their launching. They wanted me to promote their new business as an artist and helped me to organize and execute a premiere for the movie. I had the premiere for my stop motion movie Lintumiehen Tarina in KinoKorjaamo 2nd of December 2021.
Then finally the circle was full when I was selected in 2022 to be part of Boreal Screendance FilmFestival, and my movie was screenplayed there on two days. Additional to that, they build an installation that played some of the films on an old tv screen on a loop during the festival.